Quick iodine iron complex 500 ml كويك مركب اليود و الحديد

Regular price Dhs. 128.00


يحفز الغدة الدرقية ويزيد من التحمل ويزيد نسبة الاوكسجين في العضلة

 لزياده وفعالية في اداء الحمام يعطى الى الحمام مع دستو اوريجانو

 للحصول على نتائج مذهلة يؤدي الى المزيد من السرعة

 خصوصا عند الحمام الصغير يساعد في التخلص من انتفاخ الجسم

 نتيجة التعب الشديد ويضمن بقاء الحمام بصحة جيدة

من خلال رفع المناعة

خلال السباق والاعداد مرتين في الاسبوع 10 ملم الى 1 لتر او 1 كيلو

خلال فترة التفريخ وتتبديل الريش مرتان في الاسبوع

يحتوي على:
كلوريد الحديد 1000 ملغ / 1000ml
كلوريد اليود 1000mg / 1000ml
المنغنيز. 91.2mg / 1000ml
خلات الزنك 89.4mg / 1000ml
خلات النحاس 47.7mg / 1000ml
الكوبالت. 24.6mg / 1000ml

Quick iodine iron complex

500 ml

  • Increased performance by iodine
  • Increased performance by iron


With a supplement of Quick (iodine and iron) you can increase the performance of pigeons. Stimulation of the thyroid function increases endurance and, in a compound with iron, leads to more speed. In combination with Dosto-Oregano Liquid 12% amazing results are possible with the pigeons, especially with the young birds.

Young pigeons supplied with Quick and Dosto-Oregano Liquid 12% burst with health and feel like inflated balloons. Breeders that have problems with young bird sickness every year should give this method a try-out. Quick and Dosto-Oregano can also be given via the feed.


During racing seaon, moulting and breeding 2x a week 3ml into 1 liter of drinking water for 20 pigeons.


Composition per 1000 ml:
Dextrose 17g, Sodium Chloride / Salt 0.9g, Magnesium Citrate 0.6g

Analytical Constituents / Guarantees:
Crude protein 1%, Crude fiber 1%, Crude fat 1%, Crude ash 1.5%, Sodium 0.3%, Moisture content 96%.

Additives per 1000 ml:
Compounds of trace elements:
(3b102) Iron (Fe) as iron (III) chloride hexahydrate 1000 mg
(3b201) Iodine (J) as potassium iodine 3000 mg
(3b501) Manganese (Mn) as manganese (II) chloride tetrahydrate 91.2 mg
(3b601) Zinc (Zn) as zinc acetate dihydrate 89.4 mg
(3b401) Copper (Cu) as copper (II) diacetate monohydrate 47.7 mg

Maximum content per kg of feed for racing pigeons:
Iodine 10mg, Iron 450mg, Copper 25mg, Zinc 120mg, Manganese 150mg

Administration advice:
0.3% for racing pigeons via the drinking water is 3ml on 1 liter water.
Dosage through enclosed measuring cup

Purpose of the product: To improve the trace element supply


Quick Iodine-iron complex positively affects the performance, increases the endurance and keeps the pigeons in good health. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.