Regular price Dhs. 90.00

Shellca Ideal grit
Pigeon Granular Mineral Mixture

Contains 8 natural colors of anise and mussel shells.
Does not contain colorants, dyes, excessive consumption substances!

100% digestible calcium for birds

Birds' ingestion of soluble sand is essential for both behavioral and nutritional benefits. Specially ground tuyemka for all cages and large birds, together with ideal grit soluble pebbles, the mussel shells are fully digestible and provide a natural source of calcium that all birds need throughout the year.

Should we offer sand to the birds?

All birds have two parts in the stomach. The first is the digestive process of digestive enzymes.
It is the proventricular stomach that it helps to start. The second part of the stomach is stony
(or muscular stomach).
Some birds have a thicker gizzard and eat small stones and sand on the ground.
Thus, when hard substances such as seeds and shells enter the digestive system,
The thick muscles in the gizzard help break up the food along with the sand. Easy
This stage is very important for digestion and nutrient absorption.
Small cage birds, like pigeons, also ingest shell seeds.
They need to eat some insoluble sand (or gravel) to help. such birds
They usually eat the seeds whole and grind the seeds to digest them.
They need insoluble grain.
All pet birds need plenty of calcium in their diet.
Calcium deficiency can also be a problem for caged birds and is easily
They may encounter other problems due to its deficiency. Therefore, calcium
It is important to feed nutrient-rich foods and supplements. Because soluble sand
Like oyster shells, it is mostly digested in the proventriculus, food particles
Not much used for grinding, essential by birds but little in their diet
It is very beneficial to take the calcium and some minerals found into the body. in females
It is especially vital for the egg. high to form their eggs
They need large amounts of calcium, and their eggshells are almost pure.
It consists of calcium. In addition, calcium in feathers and seasonal transitions,
Sufficient amounts of selenium and other trace minerals
During the preparation period for the cycle, it increases the resistance of the immune system to diseases.
Provides protection against
Birds following a whole-seed diet and not given mineral supplements
There will be a lack of calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements. Calcium,
Aids in stronger bone growth and normal nerve, brain and muscle function
It works together with phosphorus and magnesium to become
Tuyemka ideal grit easily reinforces all these deficiencies.

Clay and sand types - Soluble and insoluble sand

There are two types of sand for birds; soluble and insoluble in metabolism.
Insoluble sand (sometimes called gravel) consists of small stones
And it usually consists of silicate-like materials. insoluble sand,
It passes through the bird to the gizzard and enters the digestive tract in large pieces.
It is used to help grind and break up seeds passing through.
It is then excreted from the body with feces by the action of acids.
Soluble sand is organic and contains cuttlebone and oyster shells and,
Composed mostly of limestone-like substances, acids in the proventricle
It is easily digested by and while doing this, it does not remain in the gizzard or cause side effects.
Why not. In this way, instead of the physical task 
Chemical benefit is also provided while being brought.