more stamina
less fatigue
promotes recovery
DAC ENERGY ACTIVATOR contains Carnitine, Vitamins B, C, E, Magnesium Sulphate, Sorbitol and Plant Extracts. All these elements are indispensable for a good energy supply.
DAC ENERGY ACTIVATOR promotes and helps with the transport of body fats for more energy. It lowers the level of free fatty acids in the blood and reduces the lactic acid level in the muscles during flight. This reduces fatigue and increases stamina. Carnitine releases less CPK (creatine phosphokinase) in the blood. Lactic acid and CPK are the causes of muscle fatigue and cramps !! Vitamins B, C, E promote the functioning and strengthen the form and the activity of the pigeon.
DAC ENERGY ACTIVATOR gives the best results if you give high-fat feed (at least 10% fat) and add extra DAC Peanut Oil or Race Oil to the feed.
Middle distance: day of return 0.5 ml / l. water, repeat the day before basketing.
Long distance: day return 1.0 ml / l. water, repeat the day before basketing.
Overnight: day of return 1.5 ml / l. water, repeat the day before basketing.
Packaging: 100 ml.